22 Aug 2009
Tweedshot Maximus of Blackharn
Conghamheath Quin
Red is the foundation dog of my kennel.
I have sincerely been blessed with a magnificent retriever who has exceeded my expectations in so many ways.
He has excelled at the top of Australian trialing having placed in all Australian States throughout his career. He is a multiple State Champion has won twice in SA, twice in NSW, Qld and Victoria. In addition to this he has placed in the National twice, 3rd and 2nd respectively.
Red amassed a total of 258 All Age points in a 6 year All Age career and held his own against the best of the best regularly.
Red apart from being a phenomenal marking dog, his biggest asset was his ability to do the right thing, he was the most honest dog I have had the pleasure to train.

2016 and 2017 were massive years for Red. He won the lead up trial in NSW the week before the National and backed it up the following weekend by placing 2nd.
The following year, he won back to back State Championships in NSW and SA, then a month later won the Victorian State Championship as well. Three State Championship titles in one season. He ran in 30 trials that year, finished 29 and placed in 27.
In 2018 I retired Red, he picked up a number of underlying injuries as old dogs do and was not at his best. Red had a further four years as our house dog and companion. A fitting and very well earned retirement which he quickly adapted to and did not object.
He is available at Stud and is still producing solid prodigy, a number of which are now titled themselves. Two of the dogs he sired were finishers in the 2018 National, four years later a further two sired titled dogs by Red not only finished the National they both placed also.
A massive dog with a massive heart, no weakness, an exceptional marker, great understanding of concepts, excellent memory, brilliant at water work and would often bang a blind, such was his sagacity and game finding ability. He has gave people a lot of pleasure when he was competing with his exceptional field work. A great team player.
In 2019 Red was inducted to the Australian National Kennel Council Hall of fame as an outstanding Gun Dog.
Late 2022, Red was struggling to manage both his chronic pain and injuries, he had also developed a large tumour in his back leg. We made the very sad decision to PTS, to save him from suffering any longer, his legacy lives on in all the Retriever Champions that he has sired, to which we will always be immensely grateful for having such a fantastic dog in our lives!
As at December 2023 Red has sired 8 RTCH's and recently one Grand RTCH, being one of his daughters "Reva".
If you are looking for a quality stud to use Red's semen is available upon request.