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Dog in Nature
Rosso Fyn of Pigeonman aka Blade
7 May 2017
Contender Como
Laurinco Miss Molly


Redcypher Sporting Retrievers are delighted to have access to this great dog.


Blade is owned by Gary Wilson of Pigeonman Gundogs in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Gary has owned Blade from 8 weeks of age, both trains, shoots and competes regularly.


Blade was an easy dog to train Gary informs me; he is very intelligent, confident and tractable. He is a great marking dog, possesses excellent memory, is calm, very quiet, but with a sense of purpose when working or in the shooting field.


He is a natural game finding dog with a fantastic nose that understands the difference with wounded and live game.


Hips 5/4 Elbows 0/0 Clear eye certificate. DNA Clear of 237 genetic hereditary diseases. 


He strives to please at all times, is extremely fit with great conformation, fantastic health scores and DNA clear of all known tested diseases.


Blade is a very easy dog to live with, when not working he is laid back in confidence, relaxed at home and a fantastic companion that Gary can take anywhere.


Blade is the strongest whole coloured Fox Red in the UK has a great reputation for throwing very malleable and intelligent confident dogs that are just as good looking, healthy and as dark as he is.


Blade has been a constant producer of quality pups for the Metropolitan Police in the UK. Producing highly trainable dogs in search detection, working on a wide range of substances at the very lowest scent levels.


We are very excited to be able to produce a solid healthy British Fox Red Labrador in our future-breeding programme.   

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